Tech Marketing Leader


On Writing Cultures and Talking Cultures in Business

In business, there are writing cultures and talking cultures. I’ve worked in both and see the merits and shortcomings of the two approaches. Steven Sinofsky (MSFT, a16z) makes a compelling case that creating a culture of writing actually increases agility in his tweetstorm turned blogpost “Writing is Thinking,” which I unpack and expand on here.

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Franklin Morris
On Autodidactism

I believe in learning. Having the drive and curiosity to learn new things, and understanding the method my which to acquire knowledge are the skills that I’ve noticed separate the very successful from the middle-of-the road. Here is the system I use to grow my knowledge on a daily and weekly basis.

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Franklin Morris
How to Build Brand During the Coronavirus Crisis

How companies come out the other end of this crisis (especially relative to their competitors) will be determined by how they act in this moment, and how they tell the story of those actions. Let’s start with the data. Over the last week the first crop of market research reports have come out trying to gauge the shift in sentiment and — spoiler alert — it's significant.

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Franklin Morris